Integrated Risk Management Training scheduled on 26th – 29th September, 2017.

Institute of Risk Management Tanzania (IRMT) is a member professional organization established under Chapter 212 of Laws of Tanzania with obligation to promote common interest and advance the theory and practice of risk management.

IRMT invites interested individuals to Integrated Risk Management Training program scheduled on 26th – 29th September, 2017.

Program name: Integrated Risk Management Training

Course Objectives:

  • Comprehend practical aspect on Assessing Cyber security Risk: Roles of the Three Lines of Defense
  • Understand the Nature, Structure and Scope of “Risk” including various categories of risks
  • Understand the contextual difference between Problem, Challenge, Issue Versus Risk
  • Understand the Risk Management Standards in context of ISO 31000, ISO 9001:2008, IS0 9001:2015 and COSO
  • Ability to comprehend Operational Risk Management and Basics of Basel II, 2.5 and III
  • Understand the Fraud Risk and Management strategies
  • Ability to build a risk management system through a step by step procedures and Risk Registers checklist
  • Public Sector Risk Management Practices
  • Quantitative Risk Assessment techniques suitable to Financial and non-Financial institutions
  • Financial risk modeling aspect relating to: Credit risk, Market risk and Operational risks

Targeted Audience:

The training is an excellent opportunity for Board Members, Audit Committee Members, Risk Champions, Compliance Officers, Directors, Head of Departments, Managers, Risk Management Practitioners, Internal Auditors, Insurance Practitioners, Audit Committee Members, Accounting Personnel, Engineers, Trainers, Consultants and Lawyers.

Award: Certificate of Achievement for attendance and participation only to this course

Venue: Kingsway Hotel, Morogoro

Fees: 950,000

Course Methodology:

The training will be conducted through lectures, class discussions, group case studies and video presentations. The course curriculum is available upon request.  The methodology built in this workshop will help participants to understand and develop risk management skills and to apply what they have learned on a real-life work environment enabling an enterprise to obtain value for money. At the end of the course participants will take home the risk management tools. This is a collection of several check list, forms, graphs, sample guidelines and reports. The tools will be used extensively during the workshop to give participants enough practice during the training.

Course Information

  1. The Fees includes the costs for the Venue, stationeries and light refreshments during the training session.
  2. The fees are  payable  directly  to  our  bank  account:  EMAC  Institute  of  Risk Management Account No. 0150206213700 at CRDB Bank.
  3. The workshop is limited to 20 participants on first come first served basis.
  4. participant in IRMT courses undertakes to attend the full course.
  5. Attendance in IRMT courses is conditional on receipt in full of the course fee prior to start of the course.

For further details contact us:

General Secretary, The Institute of Risk Management, Pamba House, 1st Floor, Old Dar Es Salaam Road,  P.O.Box  6327, Morogoro or Dar Es Salaam Branch Office at Dar Free Market, 1st Floor Office No.  F22, Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road or you may call us at numbers +255 739 531 973 or +255 626 897 274 or +255 683 265 218 or send us email  or visit our website:

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