Development and Implementation of Risk Management Framework including Risk Policy (Theoretical and Practical Aspects based on ISO 31000:2018). January 26 – 29, Stella Maris, Bagamoyo

Institute of Risk Management Tanzania (IRMT) invites interested individuals for the advanced risk
management training for the management and technical staff as follows:

Venue: Stellar Maris hotel, Bagamoyo
Dates: 26th to 29th January 2021
Award: Certificate of Achievement
Fees: TZS. 850,000/=

Target Audience: Risk Directors, Risk Managers, Risk Officers, Senior and middle-level Managers, Operations Managers and Officers, Accountants, Auditors, Treasury Managers and Officers, Procurement Managers & Officers, Financial controllers, Operational Risk Managers and Officers, Compliance Managers and Officers,
Consultants, Corporate Business Executives, Quality Controllers, Planners, Statisticians, IT personnel, Human Resource managers & Officers.

Course Coordinator: Frank Werema +255 756 474 488 or +255 +255 713 237 733 or visit website: or you may send an email or visit our offices on address detailed below.

Course Overview
Organizations from historical times have been adopting Risk Management practices across organizational activities through different controls to avoid deviation from corporate objectives.
However, evolution in management, business and the operational environment has made the need for Risk Management framework across all sectors to be of paramount importance whereas Risk Management framework (RMF) as an integral part of the organizational process, address uncertainties explicitly, take into account human factors, and has proved to be dynamic and responsive to change.
RMF supported by Risk Management policy have jointly proved to be aiming at protecting an organization from adverse impacts of emerging risks, and have established commitments towards legal and regulatory compliance while at the same time creating sustainable growth and fulfillment of corporate objectives.

Course Objective
The course objective is to enable participants to gain insights on risk management processes, principles, and standards in line with ISO 31000 guidelines together with theoretical and practical aspects of Risk Policy.
In the end, participants will gain practical aspects of preparation and implementation of Risk Management framework and establishing reporting mechanism through risk register and other managerial reports that create overall organizational control and linkage towards corporate objectives.

Course content

  • Conceptual Framework of Risk and Risk Management
  • Understanding Risk Strategy and framework (Risk Architecture, Strategy and Protocol).
  • Overview and essence of Enterprise Risk Management(ERM), ERM standards and framework
  • Enterprise Risk Management(ERM) Versus strategy setting and organizational performance
  • Introduction and overview of ISO 31000.
  • Principles, standards, and objectives of risk management in line with ISO 31000 standards and guidelines.
  • Integration of Risk Management Framework in organizational processes as per ISO 31000
  • Role of the board, and management in Risk Management.
  • Practical preparation of the risk register.
  • Risk reporting through risk register and other managerial reports.
  • Overview in development and implementation of the Risk Management framework
  • Development of Risk Management framework (practical approach).
  • Implementation of Risk Management framework (practical approach).
  • Stakeholders expectations.
  • Risk-aware culture in implementing risk management framework.

Course Information

  1. Fees include the costs for the training venue, stationery, and refreshments during the training session.
  2. The fees are payable directly to the bank account: IRMT Institute of Risk Management Limited Account No. 0150206213700 at CRDB Bank

Risk Management Certification Examination
IRMT announces the commencement of Registration for the June 2021 professional examination session. The registration is divided into three levels;

  1. Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP),
  2. Certified Financial Services Risk Specialist (CFSRS) and,
  3. Certified Risk Management Technician (CRMT).

The details for qualification and registration requirement are available on our website: or visit the IRMT offices:

The Institute of Risk Management, Pamba House, 1st Floor, Old
Dar Es Salaam Road, P.O.Box 6327, Morogoro or
Dar es Salaam Office at Oysterbay, Dar Free Market, 1st Floor Office No.22 or you may call us at numbers +255 756 474 488, +255 23 77 33, +255 683 265 218 or email

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