Risk Management Certification Program from 7th -9th December 2016 at Kingsway Hotel Morogoro


Risk Management Boot-camp

Institute of Risk Management Tanzania (IRMT) invites interested individuals for the risk management fundamentals certification boot camp as follows:

Venue:   Kingsway Hotel, Morogoro

Dates:    7th to 9th December, 2016

Award:   Certified Risk Management Technician on passing professional examination

or Certificate of Achievement for attendance and participation only

Fees:      TZS. 750,000

Target Audience: The training is an excellent opportunity for Board Members, Risk Champions, Compliance Officers, Directors, Head of Departments, Managers, Risk Management Practitioners, Internal Auditors, Audit Committee Members, Accounting Personnel, Engineers, Trainers, Consultants and Lawyers.

Course Coordinator: Anna Kundy +255 688 307 218 or Call Landline No. +255 22 215 1373 or website: www.irmtz.org

Course objectives

The course is structured to build practical skills within the context of ISO 31000, ISO 9001:2008, IS0 9001:2015 and COSO Risk Management Frameworks. Completion of this training will enable the participants to understand; Meaning, Principles, Standards, Practice and Objectives of Risk Management; exploring the main risk measurement and management tools, design and implementation of Risk Management Framework, preparation and maintenance of  Risk Registers; GRC Framework; Risk Analytics; Risk of Fraud, credit risk, market risk and Operational Risk. The training will include discussions on legal aspects of risk management, Basel Accords, Solvency II, Public Sector Risk Management Guidelines and Case Analysis.

The course is delivered through a combination of presentation, video, workshops and practical sessions on step by step process for implementing risk management systems in an organization.

Participants will take home a risk management tools. This is a collection of several check list, forms, graphs, sample operational risk management guidelines and reports


Course Methodolgy

The Workshop will be conducted through lectures, practical sessions, class discussions, group case studies and video presentations. The details of topic covered are shown on course outline on the appendix.  The methodology built in this workshop will help participants to understand and develop risk management skills and to apply what they have learned on a real-life work environment enabling an enterprise to obtain value for money.

Risk Management Tools

Participants will take home a risk management tools. This is a collection of several check list, forms, graphs, sample operational risk management guidelines and reports. The tools will be used extensively during the workshop to give participants enough practice during the training.


Course Outline

Day 1
Meaning, scope and purpose of Risk Management  Origins and Meaning of Risk
Impact of risks on organisation
Practial aspects of risk management
Linkage of risk and organisational objective
Principles, standards and objectives of risk management

ISO 31000, CoSO, CoCo Models, Solvency II and Basel II Guidelines

Enterprise risk management and Risk management regulatory framework
Risk Management Case studies
Case Analysis – Part I and Video practical session I
Day 2
 Risk Management Framework



 Risk architechture, strategy and protocol
 Establishing Context
 Desgining and Use of Risk Register
GRC Framework
Public Sector Risk Management
Case Analysis – Part II and Video Practical Session II

Basic Risk Analytics 

Risk Analytics and Approaches to Risk Measurement
Market Risk, Credit Risk and Portfolio Credit Risk Management
Operational Risk Management
Basel Accord, Solvency II and Case Analysis
Case Study –Part III
End of Day 2
Day 3
Practical Risk Management Session Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Models
Role of the Board and Current Board Practices in risk management including case for risk committee
Stakeholders Expectations
Risk aware culture
Three lines of defence and Future of Risk Management
Case Study Part IV
End of the Program

Additional Information:

  1. The Fees includes the costs for the Venue, stationeries and light refreshments during the training session.
  2. Accommodation can be arranged for participants by our administration team whenever necessary. Customer satisfaction is our motto. Call the course coordinator to arrange for accommodation within your budget.
  3. The fees are payable directly to our bank accounts
  4. The workshop is limited to 30 participants on first come first served basis
  5. A participant on IRMT courses undertakes to attend the full course
  6. Attendance on IRMT Courses is conditional on receipt of full of the course fee prior to start of the course
  7. For any other information contact us by the address below or email info@irmtz.0rg  ; website: http://www.irmtz.org

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